Non Medical Exam Life Insurance - Buying No Medical Life Insurance

Home No medical exam life insurance, no physical life insurance or no exam life insurance, whatever you want to call it, is getting more and more popular every day. Those who don’t like doctors or injection needles call it no doctor life insurance. Some people are just too busy to get examined, others are either ill or fear that there may be some hidden illness that they don’t want to know about. Regardless of your situation you still must qualify for your policy.

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No medical exam life insurance has been around for a long time. I recall my early years in the business many of my applications were written on a non medical basis. This was simply because the applicants were quite young and the amounts of coverage was very small. You answer a few medical questions and the policy was issued. Most young people don’t even have an attending physician simply because they don’t expect to become ill.

For older people and people wanting larger policies a medical exam is usually required. People age 65 are no longer considered old, many are in good health. The same medical questions are asked as in the non medical case but they are asked by a doctor, paramedic or a nurse. You may be also required to provide a urine sample or a blood test. They do the same Pharmacy and MIB, Medical Information Bureau, checks in either case.

In recent years, however buying life insurance has become much easier as you can get quite a bit of coverage without having to do a medical exam, that is, if you can qualify. You just answer a few questions and you get your policy issued.

There are those who think they can get life insurance even if they are on their death beds. No they can’t, the companies check.

These policies are for people between age 18 and age 65 who are in fairly good health. The policies offered are 10 year term, 15 year term, 20 year term and 30 year term. The face amounts remain level throughout and so do the premiums. These premium costs are very competitive with the best carriers offering life insurance on or off the internet.

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These policies are convertible within the initial term period, you convert to permanent life insurance. As an alternative you may renew your term policy at the end of the term period without having to be in good health. The renewal premiums are higher simply because you are older at that time.

The amounts of no medical exam life insurance offered varies but it can be as much as $500,000.

Protect your family with quality non medical life insurance.

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