1. Comparison Shop.
automobile insurance coverage can differ by hundreds of dollars from company to company, so shop around. You can save on your automobile insurance costs by buying only the coverage that you need most. Call your state insurance department or ask your friends or for ideas about companies and automobile insurance agents to contact. At minimum, get three different quotes. Price isn't the only thing to consider. The insurer you select should offer both fair prices and excellent service. This may cost a bit more, but provides added convenience. Talk to a number of insurers to get a feeling for the quality of their service. Find out what they would do to lower your costs.
2. Increase Deductibles.
Deductible is what you pay before you make a claim. Increase deductible on collision and comprehensive (fire and theft) coverage. By increasing your deductible from $200 to $500, you could reduce your collision and comprehensive costs by 15% to 30%.
3. Eliminate Collision and/or Comprehensive Coverage on Older Cars.
If your automobile is worth $1000 or less consider eliminating Collision or Comprehensive with your automobile insurance.
4. Buy a "Low Profile" Car.
Some thieves have a penchant for some types of automobiles. Check the insurance costs for the make and model your intending to buy. The more expensive to repair or are a favorite for thieves have higher automobile insurance costs.
5. Low Mileage Discounts.
automobile insurance companies offer discounts to motorists who drive less than a prearranged number of miles a year.
6. Consider Insurance Cost When Making a Move.
automobile insurance costs are lower in rural communities and higher in cities where there is more traffic congestion.
7. Find out about Automatic Seat Belt or Airbag Discounts.
If your automobile is equipped with airbags or automobilematic seat belts you may be eligible for lower automobile insurance rates.
8. If Your Car is Equipped with Anti-Lock Brakes.
Stopping your automobile in an emergency with anti-lock brakes is safer. Some states and automobile insurance companies give discounts for automobiles equipped with them.
9. Special Discounts.
automobile insurance companies offer special discounts for those who have
completed a driver training course, if your over 50, have good grades, anti-thief
devices or more than one automobile insured with the same company.
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