Vintage Car Insurance

The definition of a "vintage" car is one manufactured between 1903 and 1933. These historical and exotic vehicles can be glamorous and expensive but they are older motor vehicles and some do not fit this stero-type. The definition of a "vintage" car varies depending on the insurance company. Most of the companies only offer the same insurance as they do to those driving modern automobiles.

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It is often assumed that vintage car insurance is much cheaper that the modern car policy, but this is only true is the vintage car has limited mileage and it is kept in garage and protected carefully. The owner of the classic car can have a much higher view of the worth of the car then the insurer will. The owner needs to make sure he and the insurer have came to an agreement in the valuation of the vintage car before there is a claim to file. The agreed valuation is the amount guaranteed by the insurer if the classic car is stole or damaged beyond repair but make sure it is "guaranteed" because some insurers have been known to refuse to pay the full amount. Please understand that most insurers will charge an extra fee for an agreed valuation but it is the best way to avoid expense and upset if something does happen to your vintage car. You don't want to be stuck on the road looking for tires in Boston that'll fit your 1954 Mercedes, do you? You want to be able to call in and have someone get you the right tires at any time!

Obviously you could go to the simple car insurance rate quotes website and get a quote, but my main advice is this: look for specialists that can get you a special deal! So if you want to rent a car in LA, go for Car rental Los Angeles at

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The best insurer to deal with for your classic car is the specialist insurers. If you have a classic van, don't opt for normal van insurance but rather focus on the vintage part of your car as it helps you save money! Specialty insurers are better. They have policies that will fit your requirements and their rates are usually better than the common auto insurance company.

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