Getting a car insurance quote on the Internet is now a relatively straightforward process. You will be asked to provide answers to a series of questions and depending upon the car insurance company this can take anything from under a minute to five minutes or more. The number of questions varies by car insurance company but all will ask you for details about yourself, your car and where you live. This is because your age, driving experience, type of car, how you use the car and where you live, are all used to calculate the car insurance rate which determines the premium. Be sure to have all you details in front of you before applying for a quote. you will need your car registration number - many companies now link direct to the DVLA to return all the cars details.
Most Car insurance quotes are valid for 30 days or more and unless anything has changed regarding your circumstances in this time, the car insurance company is obliged to honour them.
you get a quote from a direct car insurer such as DirectLine you will usually
only be offered one potential premium price . This may or may not be the
cheapest quote available depending upon your circumstances and whether the car
insurance company is actively trying to obtain people who fit your bill. Many
car insurance companies will quote you more if the don't really want your
business for whatever reason.
you compare car insurance quotes from more than company, you must compare
covers like for like and enter exactly the same details into the car insurance
quote form, otherwise the comparison will be invalid. It's no good having
breakdown cover included for 'free' if the quote is £100 more expensive than a
competitor that doesn't offer it a standard cover.
A good way to compare quotes without spending half an hour visiting six or seven car insurers, is to use either a car insurance brokers site or one of the new online aggregator sites. Examples of these are The AA , Budget or Swiftcover who will give you multiple car insurance quotes from all the car insurers they have on their panel. Be aware though that if you are offered a cheapest quote for say Norwich Union from a comparison panel, it may well be worth visiting the Norwich Union website itself to see what the price for a direct quote is. Both car Insurance Brokers and Aggregators add commision to the quote price which can in some instances be 20 or 25 percent. It pays to shop around if you a re looking for a car insurance bargain. Use our comparison service to narrow down car insurance companies that will fit your needs.
Depending on who you are or If you have special driving needs, it may well pay to get a car insurance quote from a company that specialises in drivers like yourself. You could well be surprised at the difference between quotes from a specialist provider as opposed to standard car insurance. Listed here are some examples of how you can save money and get a cheap car insurance quote - if you fit the bill!
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